Family Time Management- What Does that Look Like ?

Time Management

We find ourselves amidst the busy season of school and sports, and if you were to glance at our calendar, it would resemble a hodgepodge of colors, each representing different commitments and locations. Balancing family needs, church, work, school, and sports can feel all-encompassing. Alyssa and I are aware that there are periods of heightened activity in our lives, but we are also committed to improving our time management skills to navigate these busy seasons more effectively.

What Does the Bible Say About Time

The Bible mentions how we are to think about time:

  1. Do not be a sluggardProverbs 6:6-11.
  2. God is in charge of timePsalm 31:15. It is a gift from God.
  3. Be mindful of your timePsalm 37:18; 90:12; James 4:13-17. We do not know what tomorrow has or how many days left we have to live. I recently wrote an article about how many months do we have based on a conversation I had with my kids.
  4. Be urgent with your timeEphesians 5:16.
  5. Be aware of the presentMark 13:32-33.

Time is a precious gift bestowed upon us, and we have the power to choose whether we reflect on it with remorse over its use or with wisdom, as highlighted in Ephesians 5:15-17. It’s essential to recognize that we act as stewards of the time at our disposal, with the capacity to craft it, maximize it, or squander it. Grateful for its presence, we also bear the responsibility of ensuring we don’t allow it to slip away needlessly.

Make the Most of Your Time

Many of us find ourselves engaged in numerous worthwhile endeavors. However, I’ve come to realize that my children’s involvement in sports isn’t just their activity alone; it’s an opportunity for me to actively participate alongside them.

Learning to discern what holds eternal significance has been pivotal. We don’t want to engage in activities without purpose. Take sports, for instance—it can offer more than just enjoyment (though it’s often quite fun); it can also serve as a platform for us to be witnesses.

In his letter to the Ephesian church, Paul underscores the importance of mindful Christian living, which includes a keen awareness of how we utilize our time (Ephesians 5:16). He isn’t advocating a YOLO mentality; instead, he’s reminding them of their divine calling—to make disciples. This mission lies at the core of every Christian, this one thing and the beauty is that we have the freedom to fulfill it in nearly any setting.

Learn to Say No- Better Commitments

Mastering the art of saying “no” is an ongoing lesson I continue to embrace. Often, we find ourselves compelled to say “yes” for various reasons, sometimes due to a sense of obligation or simply because we struggle with the word “no.” Regardless of the cause, it’s an essential skill in effective time management.

For instance, we’ve implemented a strategy in our family to restrict the number of sports our kids participate in each year, borrowing the wise “two-sport rule” from some friends.

In our lives, there are activities we must undertake, those we desire to engage in, and those that are optional. A key question to ponder is: what consumes the majority of your time? Moreover, how do you determine what holds enduring value and what does not? Additionally, are there areas in which you adamantly safeguard your time and refuse to compromise?

Are there commitments in your life that are monopolizing your time and diverting your attention from serving the Lord? Remember, the things we choose to decline today often pave the way for opportunities to say “yes” in the future.

How Many More Months Do You?

My boys were curious about my age in the time of months, and after throwing out some random numbers over 1000, I had to do some quick math to figure it out. I recently turned 40, which means I’m 480 months old. This realization struck me deeply; if I can live to 80, I’m at my half-life. It made me reflect on the passage of time and the brevity of life. It’s not a morbid thought but a reminder to make the most of the time we have.

Just like we think about financing a car over a specific number of months, life can be broken down into months too. I now find myself pondering how I’ve used my 480 months so far and how many more I have left. This realization gives me a sense of urgency to make each remaining month count. It’s a reminder to be intentional about how I spend my time, focusing on what truly matters to me.

The Bible verse you mentioned, Psalm 90:12, advises us to “number our days” so that we may gain a heart of wisdom. In other words, it encourages us to be mindful of the finite nature of our lives and to use our time wisely. By understanding that life is short, we are prompted to prioritize the things that truly matter, live with purpose, and cultivate wisdom in our choices and actions.

Take Inventory

I’ve come to realize the importance of having a list whenever I go to the store because without one, I tend to buy unnecessary items and forget the essentials. This simple analogy has led me to think about life in a broader sense. It’s like taking inventory of our lives, reflecting on our choices, and understanding that death is a reality that awaits all of us.

When I contemplate the months I’ve lived so far, it becomes a moment of self-reflection. Have I truly lived for myself, pursuing my passions, and staying true to my values? Or have I allowed life to pass by without much thought, just going through the motions?

Regret can be part of life, and I have certainly experienced it at times. There have been moments when I wish I had made different choices or taken more risks. However, I also understand that regrets are valuable lessons that shape us and help us grow. They remind me to be more mindful of my decisions moving forward, hopefully it turns one to Jesus.

Making the Most

The wisdom of the old Chinese proverb, “When is the best time to plant a tree? Yesterday. When is the next best time? Today,” resonates deeply in our lives. It reminds us that taking action promptly is crucial for positive changes and outcomes.

Today holds the power to transform our direction and future. It’s the day to seek solace and guidance in Jesus. Through Him, we find redemption and grace, as mentioned in Ephesians 5:15-16. Embracing obedience to Jesus leads to divine rewards, as expressed in Matthew 25:23.

As we look ahead to tomorrow, our hearts are filled with prayerful aspirations to remain steadfast in our faith, constantly turning to Jesus, as emphasized in Hebrews 12:1-2. Our desire is to live wholeheartedly for Him, as we find reassurance in Jude 24-25. We strive to embrace a life of holiness, seeking to become more like Jesus, as described in Ephesians 5:1-2.

In summary, this reminds us to take action today and to continuously seek Him for redemption and guidance. Prayerfully, our tomorrows will reflect our commitment to living for Jesus, growing in holiness, and walking in His grace. Each day becomes an opportunity to deepen our relationship with Him and to align our lives with His divine purpose.